Save Money on Energy Bills During Cool Weather Months
According to the latest information from U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average United States household energy bill is expected to rise by 12% this year -- an increase of more than 20 percent since 2007. Most experts say the rise is due to external forces, such as the increased cost of fossil fuels, and while US leaders are working on policies to curtail runaway price increases by that time, L & M Service Specialists believe homeowner's can control costs on their own, today.

Money Saving Advice from Your L and M Service Specialists
Blaming the rising cost of utility bills on international factors may work for some places, but most heating professionals like L and M Service Specialist will tell you there are many steps the average homeowner can take to level or even reduce their utility bills over time. Some may be expensive in the short term, such as installing a new energy efficient boiler, while others are surprisingly economical from the get-go.
- Check the caulk and weather stripping around doors and windows, and replace it if it appears worn or cracked. A new tube of squeezable caulk can be had for a few dollars, and will easily be enough for a door and a few windows.
- Keep doors to each room closed as much as possible. If you are enjoying a nice evening on the sofa watching your favorite TV show, by keeping the door closed you are ensuring the heat produced by the radiator in the room is retained, keeping the room warm and comfortable.
- Call a L and M Service Specialists heating specialist to inspect your home's insulation. Insulation that is caked with dirt or debris or is compressed may need to be replaced in the attic or between walls. This is especially important in the winter to minimise heat loss, when lower temperatures and spiralling winds sometimes result in warm air being pulled out of a house through a poorly insulated attic, or even the space between floor and ceiling.
- Whether your boiler is brand new or 20 years old, it is a good idea to install a programmable thermostat, which could save about $78.00 per year on energy bills -- and every dollar counts. The newest programmable thermostats are incredibly versatile, allowing homeowners to set temperature by the day or the hour. If you are tech savvy, some models are "smart," allowing them to be controlled remotely through mobile phones or other internet enabled devices
- Do not be afraid to turn the thermostat down a few degrees as we enter autumn. As strange as it may sound, most homeowners can quickly become accustomed to a lower temperature during colder months, especially if it is constant 24 hours a day.
- Taking advantage of the sun is one tip that many homeowners overlook, especially in the winter. On bright, sunny days, keep curtains open and blinds raised and let the sun shine in to naturally warm your home and supplement your boiler.
- Dress warmer in your own home. Wear long sleeved shirts or tops, and make sure to keep socks on your feet or even wear slippers throughout the day to stay warm.
Why wait for the government to cut your energy costs? Try some of the tips outlined above, and see the results on your next utility bill.